Poway Car Accident Lawyer

Have you been involving in a motor vehicle accident in Poway, California? If so, we can help.
Based in North County, Walton Law Firm has represented many Poway residents in a variety of personal injury claims, including numerous car accident cases. With nearly 20 years of law practice under our belt, our Poway car accident lawyers have come to understand how many community members involved in these accidents have questions about their legal rights following an injury-causing event. Most residents are not familiar with the legal process, and how it can be invoked after a car accident.
The general questions and answers listed below are intended to offer an introduction to some of those issues. Of course, we also encourage all accident victims to contact our office directly to learn more about their legal options. We are available by phone at 866-607-1325 or 760-571-5500 and we can also be contacted via online message at any time. There is never a fee to discuss a case.
Do all car accidents lead to a lawsuit?
While all Poway car accidents have the potential to involve a lawsuit, many cases are settled without the need to file suit. By visiting a car accident attorney in Poway to talk about the situation you are not automatically signaling a desire to sue the other party. No lawsuit will ever be filed without express client approval.
In the vast majority of cases an attorney will enter into negotiations with the others involved in the accident after learning about the possible legal issues in the case. More often than not the negotiations result in a fair agreement being reached by all parties without the need to resort to a lawsuit. Of course, there is no guarantee that a settlement will be reached without the need to file suit and go to trial. Our car accident lawyers are committed to keeping all options on the table for every client.
Can I file a lawsuit at any time after the accident?
Like all states, the California legislature has passed statutes of limitation that set guidelines on the timing of certain legal matters. Specifically, when it comes to car accidents, the law generally requires a party to file a suit within two years of the incident. Also, it is important to remember that it takes some time to collect the necessary information to properly file suit. That means that it is vital to visit a Poway car accident attorney to discuss the situation as soon as feasible.
How much money can I recover for the accident?
When entering into negotiations or filing a lawsuit, a car accident attorney may seek recovery for two types of losses depending on the situation: economic and non-economic. All cases involve some sort of economic damages, which are things like property damage, medical expenses, and lost wages. These are items that have a specific financial cost attached. Conversely, depending on the specifics of the case, some non-economic damages may be recovered. Unlike economic damages, these are sought for losses that are less tangible, such as pain, suffering, loss of companionship, and emotional distress. Not all car accidents result in non-economic damages. Instead, our car accident attorney looks at each situation on a case-by-case basis and explains whether these damages are appropriate.
How long will the whole process take?
A common concern for all those visiting an attorney is how long the process will take. Naturally all clients want to resolve the case as quickly as possible, as do we. While it is difficult to predict how long a case will last, some basic trends are clear. If a case is resolved through negotiations then it will usually take much less time than if the case goes to trial. A negotiation may be resolved as soon as 90 days while an actual lawsuit may take a year or more to finalize.
About Us
Serving people throughout the Poway area, the car accident lawyers at the Walton Law Firm are proud to help victims with their legal needs after their involvement in a motor vehicle accident. Our firm has worked on cases of virtually all levels of severity—from minor incidents to those involving fatalities. We understand the tremendous effects that these accidents have on the lives of the families involved. We are guided by a respect for each client individually and devote resources to ensure that all clients are given personal attention and updates.
About Poway, California
Poway is a community with rural roots located in the center of San Diego County. It only officially incorporated in 1980. The city is known for its archaeological findings, with many materials dating back to the 16th century dwellers of the area. The city has maintained its perception as an old-style Western town in appearance. Many residents today work in a variety of fields with Geico Direct Insurance Company the leading employer with over 1,500 of the city’s 48,000 residents working there.